Tuesday, June 2, 2009


We must all LEARN the history of our country. What better way to see the future then to look to the past? There are a number of books out there that do an excellent job of explaining the Constitution, the Founding Fathers and what this wonderful country really stands for.

Why isn't the Constitution taught in schools anymore? Why are Americans more interested in TV programming than history of where they live? Why can't a fifth grader read and be knowledgable about the Bill of Rights? Why are religions being attacked as if it is a crime to believe in a higher power?

Do not let the media dictate what is "politically correct". Stand up for the rights that the Constitution PROTECTS. Let your state representatives know how you feel and write them letters, call them, bug them until they HAVE to listen. And if they do not listen? VOTE THEM OUT OF OFFICE.

Know your rights. Read or re-read the Constitution and STAND UP! Do not let this wonderful country turn to socialism or fascism as an answer to our problems. After all, we are a REPUBLIC, for the people and by the people!

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