Friday, February 17, 2017

2017....already an unusual year

It is already 2017. How time flies by. Seems like just yesterday my kids were playing at the playground and now they are nervous at the thought of starting high school next year. *sigh* At least they are turning out to be responsible young people and actually try to do good in school. They have their hopes and dreams and thoughts of what they want to do when they get out into the working world but as a mother, as much as it pains me, I have to remind them that the real world is a lot different from an academic one.

The world is already seeing a rash of college students who think socialism is the way to go. That they are entitled to free tuition and free health care. No one can seem to convince them that nothing is actually "free"....things always have to be paid for in some way.

Admittedly, I have a couple of nieces who think that the world is unfair and unjust and needs to change to be more accepting of everyone and things should be paid for for them and they should be given handouts because they are still learning and growing and shouldn't have to worry about money or insurance. When I talk with them or read posts they so thoughtfully have typed out, I try not to laugh.

I mean, when does one consider themselves "grown up?" Does anyone really just stop learning and growing as a person and think, "yup, today is the day I take responsibility for myself!" Sorry, but that's not how it works. I know too many individuals that would never "grow up" if it meant they get a free ride for their entire life. So, in a nutshell, I put to whoever happens to read this, where did this mentality of "I deserve this" come from? How do we stop it? And more importantly, are parents of younger kids getting the message that this mentality is more harmful than helpful?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Family Dinner

Today I sit at my kitchen table. We still have dinner together as a family every night at this table. Around the same time everyday we gather and grub up on whatever meal I decide to prepare. We sit and talk about our day and what is happening with everyone and how our days went. The TV is not allowed to be on and no talk of video games is allowed. We have honest conversation about our days.

Although we do this every evening, I have to this a lost art of other families? With so much going on, football practice, golf practice, school, do other families do this? In the summer it is a little easier, the days are a little longer and leisure is easier to come by. But once school starts it is a whole other story.

So, I sit and I wonder, are we the only family that still has a "you must have dinner with the family" policy?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


We must all LEARN the history of our country. What better way to see the future then to look to the past? There are a number of books out there that do an excellent job of explaining the Constitution, the Founding Fathers and what this wonderful country really stands for.

Why isn't the Constitution taught in schools anymore? Why are Americans more interested in TV programming than history of where they live? Why can't a fifth grader read and be knowledgable about the Bill of Rights? Why are religions being attacked as if it is a crime to believe in a higher power?

Do not let the media dictate what is "politically correct". Stand up for the rights that the Constitution PROTECTS. Let your state representatives know how you feel and write them letters, call them, bug them until they HAVE to listen. And if they do not listen? VOTE THEM OUT OF OFFICE.

Know your rights. Read or re-read the Constitution and STAND UP! Do not let this wonderful country turn to socialism or fascism as an answer to our problems. After all, we are a REPUBLIC, for the people and by the people!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


What would happen if we all just stopped paying our mortgages? Seriously, think about it for a moment..........Would the U.S. cease to exist? No. Would the bank go under? Not now, since they are obviously too big to fail. The government can't throw every single homeowner in jail so why doesn't everyone just stop paying?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

We the People.....

Americans are facing a huge crisis....the economy. Most people are unsure of where we are going as a nation. There has been talk about socialism, communism and fascism. How is one able to digest all of this without wanting to throw it back up?

We the People are responsible for each other. When there is a natural disaster people show that they do care about their fellow man but when it comes to money it seems to be "every man for himself". This attitude has got to stop. We need to be charitable to help neighbors, friends and family but we need to do it on our own terms and not told by the government that we have to be charitable. We need to have compassion and help one another out before the government does it for us.

So many people are looking to the government to bail them out of their mortgages, their debt, their lives. What they fail to see is that we make our own decisions and whether they are good decisions or bad we must live with them. We do not want the government bailing us out and telling us from then on how to live our lives.

Wake up America or the government will be a bigger part of your life then you realize.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Oh Ye of Little Faith

One Nation Under God. Does this sound familiar? Certainly hope so.

What happened to that statement? Where did God go? Why are so many people afraid of belief?

Whether you are religious, just believe in some higher power or don't believe that there is anything after we are gone, what is with the public outcry of "no religion!" Why can't the ten commandments be outside of someone's office without the whole office being thrown into an uproar? If you don't believe in them then don't read them! Ignore them like everyone seems to ignore the fact that we let Jewish people where yamikas for religious beliefs, we let Muslims where burkas, and yet when a Catholic wants to site a religious belief they are torn apart limb from limb. If the people want to be "fair" then that includes ALL religions.

Americans need to stop feeling guilty for what their ancestors did. We learned our lessons and now know that we can accept any and all religions and have an even playing field. It is completely ridiculous to not allow religion into school, government, and all aspects of life. We should all be able to praise whatever we believe whenever we choose without feeling guilty about it.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Universal Health Care or Numbering System?

What do people fail to realize about Universal Health Care?
It is NOT free. Despite all the reports, movies and whatever else you may have seen, it is NOT free. How do you pay for it? Taxes.

Not only will you be paying for yourself and your family to get heath care but you will be paying for everyone else in the country. So even if you rarely go to a doctor's office you will still be paying.

Did you also know that you will become a number? Sure you may be able to see the same doctor (if you are lucky after several hours of waiting) but when you schedule a surgery you
will be put on a list, along with anyone else in your area who needs the same surgery and will be told how long you have to wait to get the operation you need. And don't think you can
buy your way to the top of the list because unless you have loads of money,that is not going to happen.

Not only will you become a number, but who is to say that you will have a clinic in your immediate area that handles your specific operation? You may have to prepare yourself, not only for the wait of a month or more but a three hour drive to the nearest hospital that actually accommodates your specific condition.

Universal healthcare? More like a Universal Numbering System that accomodates the government.