Friday, February 17, 2017

2017....already an unusual year

It is already 2017. How time flies by. Seems like just yesterday my kids were playing at the playground and now they are nervous at the thought of starting high school next year. *sigh* At least they are turning out to be responsible young people and actually try to do good in school. They have their hopes and dreams and thoughts of what they want to do when they get out into the working world but as a mother, as much as it pains me, I have to remind them that the real world is a lot different from an academic one.

The world is already seeing a rash of college students who think socialism is the way to go. That they are entitled to free tuition and free health care. No one can seem to convince them that nothing is actually "free"....things always have to be paid for in some way.

Admittedly, I have a couple of nieces who think that the world is unfair and unjust and needs to change to be more accepting of everyone and things should be paid for for them and they should be given handouts because they are still learning and growing and shouldn't have to worry about money or insurance. When I talk with them or read posts they so thoughtfully have typed out, I try not to laugh.

I mean, when does one consider themselves "grown up?" Does anyone really just stop learning and growing as a person and think, "yup, today is the day I take responsibility for myself!" Sorry, but that's not how it works. I know too many individuals that would never "grow up" if it meant they get a free ride for their entire life. So, in a nutshell, I put to whoever happens to read this, where did this mentality of "I deserve this" come from? How do we stop it? And more importantly, are parents of younger kids getting the message that this mentality is more harmful than helpful?