Monday, July 18, 2011

Family Dinner

Today I sit at my kitchen table. We still have dinner together as a family every night at this table. Around the same time everyday we gather and grub up on whatever meal I decide to prepare. We sit and talk about our day and what is happening with everyone and how our days went. The TV is not allowed to be on and no talk of video games is allowed. We have honest conversation about our days.

Although we do this every evening, I have to this a lost art of other families? With so much going on, football practice, golf practice, school, do other families do this? In the summer it is a little easier, the days are a little longer and leisure is easier to come by. But once school starts it is a whole other story.

So, I sit and I wonder, are we the only family that still has a "you must have dinner with the family" policy?