Wednesday, February 25, 2009

We the People.....

Americans are facing a huge crisis....the economy. Most people are unsure of where we are going as a nation. There has been talk about socialism, communism and fascism. How is one able to digest all of this without wanting to throw it back up?

We the People are responsible for each other. When there is a natural disaster people show that they do care about their fellow man but when it comes to money it seems to be "every man for himself". This attitude has got to stop. We need to be charitable to help neighbors, friends and family but we need to do it on our own terms and not told by the government that we have to be charitable. We need to have compassion and help one another out before the government does it for us.

So many people are looking to the government to bail them out of their mortgages, their debt, their lives. What they fail to see is that we make our own decisions and whether they are good decisions or bad we must live with them. We do not want the government bailing us out and telling us from then on how to live our lives.

Wake up America or the government will be a bigger part of your life then you realize.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Oh Ye of Little Faith

One Nation Under God. Does this sound familiar? Certainly hope so.

What happened to that statement? Where did God go? Why are so many people afraid of belief?

Whether you are religious, just believe in some higher power or don't believe that there is anything after we are gone, what is with the public outcry of "no religion!" Why can't the ten commandments be outside of someone's office without the whole office being thrown into an uproar? If you don't believe in them then don't read them! Ignore them like everyone seems to ignore the fact that we let Jewish people where yamikas for religious beliefs, we let Muslims where burkas, and yet when a Catholic wants to site a religious belief they are torn apart limb from limb. If the people want to be "fair" then that includes ALL religions.

Americans need to stop feeling guilty for what their ancestors did. We learned our lessons and now know that we can accept any and all religions and have an even playing field. It is completely ridiculous to not allow religion into school, government, and all aspects of life. We should all be able to praise whatever we believe whenever we choose without feeling guilty about it.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Universal Health Care or Numbering System?

What do people fail to realize about Universal Health Care?
It is NOT free. Despite all the reports, movies and whatever else you may have seen, it is NOT free. How do you pay for it? Taxes.

Not only will you be paying for yourself and your family to get heath care but you will be paying for everyone else in the country. So even if you rarely go to a doctor's office you will still be paying.

Did you also know that you will become a number? Sure you may be able to see the same doctor (if you are lucky after several hours of waiting) but when you schedule a surgery you
will be put on a list, along with anyone else in your area who needs the same surgery and will be told how long you have to wait to get the operation you need. And don't think you can
buy your way to the top of the list because unless you have loads of money,that is not going to happen.

Not only will you become a number, but who is to say that you will have a clinic in your immediate area that handles your specific operation? You may have to prepare yourself, not only for the wait of a month or more but a three hour drive to the nearest hospital that actually accommodates your specific condition.

Universal healthcare? More like a Universal Numbering System that accomodates the government.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Stop global warming...Eat a cow!

According to the news, magazines and anything else you read or see, cows are a huge part of global warming. It kinda of makes you laugh....who in the world studied this in the first place? Did they put cows in a room with a methane detector and see how much they put out? It is ridiculous to think that an animal, we produce for food, can cause an epidemic of global proportions. Oh, and did you know that the government is considering an additional tax on cows because of this? Leave it to the government to tax blowing smoke, so to speak.

Think of it this way. Take one hundred people, put them in a house and see how much the methane detector goes up (especially if they are one hundred men, no offense men, but you know it is true) and by how much.

Maybe we should all just stop eating beans and vegetables and any food that may be the cause for gas.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Both sides of education

Why can't teachers teach both sides of a point of view? Instead of having just a solar panel manufacturer come and talk to kids about "green living" why can't they invite the power company also?

What is with the one sided point of views?

Should we tolerate a bit of one sided opinion in the classroom since there is only one teacher with one opinion? Or should we stand up and say "hold on here!" these are not my beliefs! We do not teach just one side to our children. We tell them the facts and let them decide if they think we are right or wrong. That is the beauty of being human. You have a mind and can use it to understand how you feel about issues.

Most will argue that parents push their point of views on children all the time. Even if this is true, they are our children and we have a right to raise them as we see fit. Not by how some liberal minded, government will get you out of everything, teacher thinks.

No wonder there has been a record numbers of moms and dads out there choosing to home school their children.

Monday, February 2, 2009

SCREAM at the government

Watching the news is just frustrating. There are republicans, democrats, those that claim they have no allegiance and the outright liars. If you are sick and tired of democrats and republicans going at each other in the media then SCREAM with me!

Every year it gets worse. The right wingers, the left wingers and those in between.

What in the world is the government thinking?

Whether they are republicans ripping the stimulus plan to bits or democrats trying to add more pointless spending to it, it is all enough to make guessed it.....SCREAM!

It seems no one has the answers and the American people are the ones who are suffering with this government (democrats and republicans alike) acting like a bunch of spoiled children who don't get enough allowance, whether it be money or power. It's about time the people stand up and start to SCREAM at the government. Make our voices heard and not ask for them to hear us but insist that they do.

Old times and new times

What ever happened to the days when we could take someone's word and know that they were being honest? It didn't matter if it was a co-worker, neighbor, family member or (gulp) a politician. Gone are the days where you can look someone in the eye, tell them they have your word and give them a handshake.

Unfortunately, most people think it is impossible to get back to the most basic of values and morals. In a day where politicians outright lie (oops! I didn't pay my taxes? so sorry!), neighbors would steal your tractor if they could sell it for cash, and your family just might have at least one convicted felon, how in the world do we get those values back?

What has been proposed is starting with the young generation. Making sure they know the value of their word and knowing right from wrong. That is all well and good but what about the grown ups who know better? What about the people in government who don't seem to give a flying crap about the small guy? As long as they are getting a dollar in their pocket they don't care.

If you are like a lot of Americans out there, you have been unplugged. You don't want to hear what is going on because you feel helpless. And you should. So, for those of us who are plugged in and seeing all the ominous headlines I have one question.....

What can we do? Write to our congressmen and women? Get out your ink and pen everyone and start writing, if their mailboxes and email overflow with our disappointment, that will make a difference, right? Uummmmm, yeah, ok, sure.

One thing we know we can do is stand together as a whole. Unite with one another. For example, if we can get one million people together and say "we refuse to pay taxes until everyone in government is fully audited" will those one million people go to jail? No one has all the answers but we do know that there are definetly power in numbers!

Ignoring a HUGE problem....Mexico

Can you believe what is happening in Mexico? Hopefully you know all about it. The record high kidnappings, killings and drugs being imported across the border. For those of you who doubt what impact this will have on the are fooling yourself!

The government keeps talking about this fruitless "stimulus" package when they should be concentrating on getting the borders secure! Mexican gangs have infiltrated a number of American cities, recruiting kids as young as 11 (Yes....11!!!!) years old to traffic drugs across the border. If the children don't go willingly they will threaten to kill their families or them. How can the government go on ignoring this?

How long will it be before Texas goes bezerk and starts shooting? Would anyone truly blame them if they did? The "as long as it is not in my backyard" mentalilty got us into this mess. We need to be screaming at the government, screaming at the reporters to STOP ignoring this story. (Where is Lisa Ling when you really need her?)

How can a country so close to the border just be ignored? It is crazy to think that one day Mexico and America just may become one. Do you doubt it or is that a little worried brow I see on your face?